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Autor Thema: Beyond the Gates of Antares  (Gelesen 5986 mal)

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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #30 am: 13. Januar 2013 - 12:02:46 »

Und wenn jemand schreibt, dass er das Gameplay konventionell findet, geh ich in der Regel davon aus, dass er sich da etwas eingelesen hat, aber evtl. ist das heutzutage nicht mehr ĂŒblich.

Das ist weder arrogant noch sarkastisch, sonder meine ehrliche Meinung. Wenn jemand das Gamplay eines Spiels kritisiert erwarte ich die gleichen Standards wie von mir selbst, nĂ€mlich, dass er sich eingelesen hat, bevor er kritisiert. Und ich weiß nicht wie andere Spiele bewerten, aber ich kann aus dem gezeigten Material schon einiges rausziehen, vor allem da man ja auch die anderen Systeme von Priestley kennt und das Spiel ja nicht völlig aus dem Nichts entwickelt wurde. Antares ist eine konsequente FortfĂŒhrung seiner bisherigen Arbeit.

HĂ€tte er geschrieben, warum er es konventionell findet, wĂ€re ich da sicher um einiges weniger direkt gewesen. Nur die in Foren ĂŒblichen kurzen One-liner allein sind fĂŒr mich keine wirkliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Spiel. HĂ€tte er gesagt: Ist nicht mein Ding, dann hĂ€tte ich kein Problem damit gehabt, hier wurde aber mal schnell verallgemeinert: Spiel ist arg konventionell.

Du liest aber auch selektiv. Ich habe extra drĂŒber geschrieben, dass die Einteilung sich nur an die richtet, die zu dem Spiel schreiben/sich dafĂŒr interessieren.

Und da stellen diese beiden beschriebenen Gruppen die grĂ¶ĂŸten Fraktionen, es mag noch andere geben, aber diese sind bei weitem nicht so vokal wie die ersteren beiden.

Mit echter Kritik habe ich wie gesagt kein Problem, da können wir uns auch Punkt fĂŒr Punkt damit auseinandersetzen. Nur gibt es in Foren doch einige, und das betrifft nicht nur diesen KS, die alles, was neben ihrem Lieblingssystem liegt oder was Neues einfĂŒhrt aus Reflex totbeisen wollen.

Was ich aber erwarte ist mehr als ein One-liner und da habe ich grade eher einen Blick auf dich als auf Thomas. Nebenbei, geh doch mal in viele TT-Foren und da wirst du vor allem diese beiden beschriebenen Gattungen vorfinden. Der eigentliche (weitaus grĂ¶ĂŸere) Rest treibt sich schon gar nicht mehr in Foren rum und das aus diversen GrĂŒnden. Ich weiß auch, dass ich mit meiner Direktheit anecke, nur kann ich damit recht gut leben und die meisten Menschen in meinem realen Umfeld auch, denn sie wissen wo sie bei mir dran sind. Im Netz scheinen die Leute da um einiges empfindlicher zu sein, was das angeht, warum auch immer. Und wenn sich manche Leute durch meine Aussagen angepisst fĂŒhlen, dann ziehen sie auch hoffentlich daraus die Konsequenzen und sind ehrlich zu sich selbst.  Und wenn einer wegen meiner Kommentare nicht mehr am KS mitmacht, dann ist das auch kein großer Verlust fĂŒr den KS.

Ich wĂŒsste ĂŒbrigens nicht, dass TTler inzwischen solche Mimiosen geworden sein sollten. Austeilen können sie ja in Foren meist....
« Letzte Änderung: 01. Januar 1970 - 01:00:00 von 1358075705 »
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #31 am: 13. Januar 2013 - 12:45:27 »

Game Rules - Combat Status Explanation Video

Happy sunday everyone!

Following on from our gameplay and unit actions videos, here Rick\'s going to run you through the Combat Status mechanic and how it affects gameplay.

Once you\'ve seen it why not head over to the forums to tell us what you think

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!

opa wuttke

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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #32 am: 13. Januar 2013 - 12:55:05 »

sonst wird das ganze hier sehr problematisch wenn wirklich mal jemand daherkommt und das projekt echt kritisiert...

ZUFF *kleiner-fieser-Djinn-fĂŒrs-ganz-Unsachliche-materialisiert-aus-Rauchwolke*


Beyond the gates of Antares - Wow ! Als ich das zuerst gelesen hatte, war ich zugegebenermaßen ein Fitzelchen von aufgeregt, weil der Name irgendwelche Assoziationen hervorgerfuen hatte...Dem Opa wurde richtig warm ums kleine schwarze Herz...Vorweg: ich habÂŽleider nicht herausgefunden welche. Und das liegt irgendwo schon am Game. Oder an der Art und Weise, wie es prĂ€sentiert wird. *Kurz-ĂŒberleg* Streichen sie prĂ€sentiert und ersetzen sie es durch verschleiert.

Es steht ja wahrlich viel geschrieben auf der  Homepage von GoA (Anmerkung: Wir Spezialisten kĂŒrzen den Namen des -noch nicht existenten- Spiels so ab...klingt irgendwie cool und erweckt auch den Eindruck als hĂ€tte man voll die Ahnung).  Nur wird leider, setzt man mal die Zahl der geschriebenen Worte ins VerhĂ€ltnis zum transportierten Inhalt, herzlich wenig wirklich gesagt.
Der von AndreM gepostete Beitrag zum Thema Balance ist symptomatisch. \"BOOOAAAH, wann kommt der denn zu Potte ?\" Bla-sĂŒlz-laber-Ohrabkau....sorry, aber das alles hĂ€tte man auch in vier SĂ€tze verpacken können.

Weiter stört mich so ein bißchen das...wie soll ich es nennen?...predigende Element an der Sache. Ich warte immer darauf, dass noch irgendwann ein verhutzeltes MĂ€nnchen auftaucht, dass zwischen tausenden halbbemalten Zinnfiguren in einem Keller sitzt und in die Kamera sagt: \"Ich spiele schon mein ganzes Leben mit Zinnfiguren und bin wirklich unglĂŒcklich. Ich hatte schon keine Hoffnung mehr. Aber dank GoA spiele ich jetzt wieder regelmĂ€ĂŸig zwölf Stunden am Tag. GoA hat mein leben total verĂ€ndert. Danke GOA. Ich kann GoA allen nur von ganzem Herzen empfehlen...GoA\"

Und dann das eigentlich Wesentliche an der ganzen Angelegenheit: Die Figuren. Klar ist ein Projekt, kann man keine fertigen Figuren erwarten. Aber meine Fresse, was find ich die...altbacken...gewöhnlich. Sorry, aber ein paar Transformers-Verschnitte, bewaffnete Katzen-a-lĂĄ-Traveller und muskelbepackte Halbnackte mit riesigem Pim...sorry, Strahlengewehr können mir irgendwie keinen mĂŒden Cent aus der Tasche locken.

Das ganze ist ein gewöhnliches  Zinnfigurenspielchen und weil man nicht genug Geld hat, macht man ein Risikoinvetsment draus. Ist gerade modern. Scheint zu funktionieren. Daran ist ja auch nichts Schlechtes. Am Geld verdienen mein ich. Wesentlich Ă€rgerlicher finde ich - es wurde schon gesagt - diese auf Biegen-und-Brechen dem Zeitgeist nachlaufende Web 2.0-MentalitĂ€t. Mann geht mir das auf den Siegfried Anton CĂ€sar Kaufmann !
Jeder dem das Konzept jedoch gefÀllt sollte zuschlagen. GefÀllt jemandem das Spiel nicht, aber die Figuren, dann nichts wie los. Kann ja jeder machen wie er will (Gott sei Dank).
Wenn jemand nicht will, lĂ€ĂŸt er es.

Ich werde aber so richtig stinkig, wenn in einem Forum ein halbes Dutzend BeitrÀge gepostet werden, deren Inhalt sich auf Paste&Copy aus der Kickstarter-Homepage beschrÀnkt und in der Folge jede Kritik, abweichende Meinung und Ablehnung mit Totschlagargumenten heruntergemacht wird.
Sorry, ich hatte leider kein Regelheft zur Hand, sodass ich mich nicht -  wie der ein oder andere Herrschaftswissende hier - einlesen konnte.
Sorry, ich vermag in das seitenlange WortgehĂŒlse dieses Kickstarters nicht mehr hineinzuinterpretieren, als tatsĂ€chlich gesagt wird.
Sorry, ich finde es rotzefrech hier einen Verkaufsthread zu starten - mehr ist das nicht - und dann zu erwarten, das nur die Pledger antworten. Ich erkenne aber seit lÀngerem die Erwartungshaltung, das in jedem Thread der im SW eröffnet wird, gefÀlligst nur diejenigen etwas schreiben sollen, die dem Threadersteller zustimmen.
Sorry, aber so funktioniert ein Forum nicht.

Wir haben hier ein Unterforum fĂŒrs Kommerzielle, vielleicht gehört der ganze Werbethread nach dort verschoben.

Ach ja, weil ich es gerade lese:

Once you\'ve seen it why not head over to the forums to tell us what you think

Wenn das da auch so lÀuft wie hier...Gute Nacht ! ;)


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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #33 am: 13. Januar 2013 - 13:21:40 »

Zitat von: \'opa wuttke\',\'index.php?page=Thread&postID=128189#post128189

Wir haben hier ein Unterforum fĂŒrs Kommerzielle, vielleicht gehört der ganze Werbethread nach dort verschoben.

Das UFK (-> Unterforum fĂŒrs Kommerzielle) ist nur fĂŒr die Werbung von HĂ€ndlern gedacht, das hier sind eher News und das es SciFi und KS ist paßt es hier ganz gut hin. Es ist ja niemand gezwungen das hier zu lesen.

Ich stimme dir ansonsten zu und finde das Konzept auch eher mau. Die Figur ist typisch Hasslerfree, tolles design, haben wir aber schon hundertfach gesehen. Ich hĂ€tte lieber gesehen wenn Kevin White weiter fĂŒr Sedition Wars modelliert hĂ€tte.
Inquisitor Thrax cleared his throat and dictated the last section of his report.


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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #34 am: 14. Januar 2013 - 08:12:19 »

Also fĂŒr mich klang BtGoA (???) zu Anfang recht interessant, aber jetzt wo ich die ersten Konzepte gesehen habe, empfinde ich das Gesehene bisher auch alles als recht mau. Kein Vergleich zu \"Thon\" das im Moment viel orgineller und geheimnisvoller daher kommt. Oder damals den ersten Konzeptzeichnungen von \"AT-43\" (die ersten Bilder der Therians haben echt Interesse geweckt). Selbst \"Warpath\" von Mantic Games spricht mich da im Moment mehr an.

Auf der anderen Seite aber finde ich die ehrliche Worte (auch wenn sie zum Teil recht \"predigend\" wirken - das stimmt schon) aus den Foren recht symphatisch. Man merkt einfach, dass da wirklich jemand aus dem Nichts heraus etwas \"Eigenes\" schaffen will. Nur der Wille allein genĂŒgt wahrscheinlich nicht. Ich glaube die \"Kickstarter\" Gemeinde ist im Moment auch ziemlich verwöhnt was das Visuelle angeht. Bei Sedition Wars oder Kingdom Death gab es einfach vorab schon viel viel mehr zu sehen was Lust auf mehr gemacht hat. Aber genau das fehlt Gates of Antares bisher. Aus diesem Grund kann ich auch die Kritiken (z. B. von opa wutke) sehr gut verstehen und nachvollziehen.

Es ist echt schwer im Moment zu erkennen wohin das Ganze eigentlich steuern will...
Phantasos Studio Bemalservice - Wir bringen Farbe in dein Spiel!
Webseite: http://www.phantasos-studio.de
Blog: http://phantasosspiele.wordpress.com
YouTube-Kanal: http://www.youtube.com/user/phantasosspiele

Hanno Barka

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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #35 am: 14. Januar 2013 - 09:17:47 »

Zitat von: \'opa wuttke\',\'index.php?page=Thread&postID=128189#post128189
Beyond the gates of Antares - Wow ! Als ich das zuerst gelesen hatte, war ich zugegebenermaßen ein Fitzelchen von aufgeregt, weil der Name irgendwelche Assoziationen hervorgerfuen hatte...Dem Opa wurde richtig warm ums kleine schwarze Herz...Vorweg: ich hab®leider nicht herausgefunden welche.

Alan Burt Akers\' Kregen-Romane?  ^^
Mit meiner brandneuen ergonomischen Gamingtastatur geschrieben. Kryptische Wortschöpfungen sind tastatur-, geschicklichkeits- und koordinationsbedingt und nicht als Zeichen geistigen Verfalls zu werten!

Graue Maus A.D. - Jetzt im Dienst Karthagos nördlich der italischen AlpenpÀsse.


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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #36 am: 14. Januar 2013 - 11:54:18 »

Zitat von: \'Greymouse\',\'index.php?page=Thread&postID=128272#post128272
Zitat von: \'opa wuttke\',\'index.php?page=Thread&postID=128189#post128189
Beyond the gates of Antares - Wow ! Als ich das zuerst gelesen hatte, war ich zugegebenermaßen ein Fitzelchen von aufgeregt, weil der Name irgendwelche Assoziationen hervorgerfuen hatte...Dem Opa wurde richtig warm ums kleine schwarze Herz...Vorweg: ich hab®leider nicht herausgefunden welche.

Alan Burt Akers\' Kregen-Romane? ^^
Master of Orion II - Battle of Antares?
"Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something."
- Robert Heinlein -


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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #37 am: 14. Januar 2013 - 13:05:50 »

Hansa Pt.4

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!

opa wuttke

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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #38 am: 14. Januar 2013 - 21:27:12 »

8o  Zwei Kenner !

Alan Burt Akers\' Kregen-Romane

Kregen...Dray Prescot...ja, da wĂ€re doch mal Potential fĂŒr Figuren gewesen: Katakis, Zorcas, Flutsleute, Voves, und was es nicht alles gab....Ein ganzes Universum voller Kreaturen. Ach Herrjeh, wie lang istÂŽs her  :crying_1:

Master of Orion II - Battle of Antares

Stundenlang habÂŽich gespielt  :rolleyes:



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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #39 am: 16. Januar 2013 - 02:22:21 »

Evening everyone - We\'ve just got back from a great trip down south to see Warren and the chaps at Beasts of War, who were very welcoming and gave us rather a lot of tea and chocolate!

They\'ve very kindly done a rather large interview with us which should be going out quite soon.

Our game rules update today is all about the Dice and Stats, so lets get into it shall we:


Before we can start to work with the initial game development we need to know how the basic dice rolling works, and how the stats of the models affect dice scores and game play. At this stage we do not need to flesh out the detail for dice roll modifiers, or restrictive qualifiers such as movement affecting whether a model can shoot or not. So, here’s the basics to get us started. This just leaves the descriptions of basic weapon stats, actions and reactions and we will have enough to play an outline game – sufficient to work with the overall dynamic and scope.

Types of Dice

D10s are used to make tests against stats, and this includes the basic rolls to hit a target, to resist damage, to undertake reactions to enemy actions, and to check combat status. A number of D10s are required and it is helpful to have a few distinctly coloured dice as this helps greatly with hit allocation from weapons with different strike qualities, for example where a unit shoots plasma carbines and a plasma cannon at the same target.

D4s, D6s, D8s and D12s are also used to generate random values, most commonly for weapons with blast effects. One of each will be enough – or values can be generated using D10s and working down, for example generate 1-8 by re-rolling 9s and 10s. We’ll also be using D3 (half D6 roll) and D5s (half D10 score) and such-like variations – but I’ll assume we are all familiar enough with that kind of thing.

Dice Tests

The D10 dice is also used to make tests against a model’s stat or the stat of an item of equipment or weapon. In most cases these stat values will also be affected by situational and unit status modifiers, but for purposes of explanation we can ignore those for now. The basis stat test works as follows:

To test against a stat value, roll a D10 and if the score is equal to or less than the value you are testing against the test is a success. We sometimes refer to this test as a ‘check’. For example, to make a check against a value of 5 simply roll 5 or less on a D10 for success. In this case a roll of 6 or more is a fail.

Regardless of any modifiers applied to the stat under test, a D10 dice roll of a 10 is always deemed a failure. If the score required is less that 1 then it is still possible to succeed if you roll a 1, in which case roll the dice again and if another 1 is rolled the test is a success anyway. So, to summarise, a roll of a 10 is always a failure regardless, and if you need to roll any number less than 1 to succeed you need a 1 followed by another 1 ( a 1% outside chance).

Another principle that will be applied throughout the rules is a dice roll of a 1 counts as a critical success. This rule doesn\'t apply if the score required is 1 or lower, in which case it is impossible to generate a critical success result, but so long as you are testing against a value of 2 or greater any roll of a 1 on the D10 is considered a critical success. A critical success affects the results of some tests, and this varies depending on the test that is being made. In the case of shooting it affects how casualties are allocated. Some tests are binary and critical success makes no difference, they either pass or fail, but in general look out for the 1s as they often mean something special.


Every model has a set of associated game values representing its own skills and abilities. In the case of most troopers, henchmen, drones and other ‘grunts’ these will be basic values for their species, whilst leaders and heroic individuals are likely to have enhanced values that separate them from their more ordinary fellows.

These values are commonly called ‘stats’ (statistics) and are written in a stat-line together with the description of the model and its designated type. For example, here is the work-in-progress stat-line for a standard human fighter – a Rever or basic Panhuman.

Unit     Type     Ag     Acc     Res     Str     Init     Cou     Tech     Com     Sp

Rever    Inf          5        5          5           5         5         7          1           2        *

The unit column just lists the model – an ordinary Rever fighter in this case – and the Type is a basic definition for rules purposes – in this case ‘infantry’. Different types have different rules in respect to movement, damage effects, and so on but we are only concerned with the standard fighter types at this stage.

All of the stats are scored out of 10 with 1 being the lowest value possible and 10 the highest for this type. Values lower than 5 are relatively weak and values in excess of 5 are relatively powerful.

Agility (Ag). The Agility stat is a measure of an individual’s ability to traverse terrain, climb, and bounce about in an athletic fashion. It is used mostly for movement tests in demanding situations. It is used by some individuals with special skills for close combat.

Accuracy (Acc). The accuracy stat is a basic measure of how capable the individual is when it comes to handling and shooting a weapon. The higher the value the better shot the individual is. This stat is used for all shooting included ranged shooting, firefights and assaults.

Resist (Res). The resist stat indicates the individual’s ability to withstand a blow, weapon strike or physical trauma – the higher this value the tougher or ‘harder’ the individual is: the more easily the individual can resist damage. This value is affected by armour of various kinds as well as cover.

Strength (Str). This stat is a measure of brute strength. Brute strength is not an important consideration unless it comes down to grappling at close quarters when it is very important indeed! Strength is also important should it come to tasks requiring sheer power; such as lifting a heavy object or forcing open a heavy airlock seal.

Initiative (Init). The initiative stat is a measure of alertness and speed of reactions, and as such it is the key value that we test against when a unit reacts to an enemy’s action. Troops with high values will be more easily able to return enemy fire or go to ground quickly when shot at.

Courage (Cou). Courage is a measure of how cool the individual is under stress, how steady his nerves are, or how brave he is when things get tough. We test against this value when checking Combat Status, which means it affects a unit’s ability to fight in most situations. Courage is one of the most important stats in the whole game – because technology can compensate or augment other stats but there are few (safe) ways to bolster your courage!

Technology (Tech). This value is a measure of an individual’s technical skills – which may be innate or which may result from belonging to an IMTel Shard. This skill is used as a measure and test when it comes to operating some technological devices including some kinds of weapons.

Compute (Com). This stat is a measure of an individual’s facility with logical calculation, and it is far more important for machine intelligences than for living creatures. Although it is occasionally used where a test of pure intelligence is called for, the principle use is for WarDrones and other kinds of sentient machines, where compute is generally used instead of courage.

Special (Sp). This isn’t a stat – the column at the end of the stat-line is a placeholder used as a memory jogger for any special rules than might apply to that particular model.

Comment on Stats

This is a work in progress stat line and it is intended to establish a base level for purposes of game balance and working out variable parameters. It seems to be holding up quite well at the moment in our games, although bear in mind that modifiers do generally tend to take the probabilities down a bit, and all the more so for units that have suffered reduction of their combat status.  

Ok, thanks for that Rick. if you want to start talking about these, head over to the forums
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #40 am: 17. Januar 2013 - 00:55:03 »

Evening all - Had an interesting day today, planning out the rest of the month and kicking off a number of new sculpts, including the WarDrones!!! These are a critical component to our Kickstarter and more importantly to your army\'s so we\'ve taken a number of steps to ensure they\'re brilliant - more on those puppies next week! Thank you all for your feedback on the forums, it was very helpful.

Kev\'s been busy with Hansa and many of you mentioned that you liked him bald, so we\'re toying with that idea and that tash is definitely growing on us... and him!

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #41 am: 17. Januar 2013 - 13:48:37 »

It is COLD! not sure how everyone else is feeling but its rather cold here in Nottingham at the moment!

Anyway, Hansa is almost finished!.

One of the big things that wasn\'t even an idea when we started Hansa was his current baldness. Kev always does the hair last as he holds the figure at the top when he\'s sculpting, but as we were developing him lots of you said that you really like him bald and to be honest, so did we, so we\'ve decided to keep him like that. You guys have already had a big impact in many areas of development, from the easy \"we need more greens and artwork\" (which we\'re working on!) to Hansa\'s baldness, the action turn name and a whole bunch of other tweaks we\'ve made listening to your comments and feedback. Though we may not spend much time replying on the forums, we do read them avidly every second we get the chance to and you will see that start to shape the game as we develop it over the next number of months. Thank you all for this, it\'s brilliant to be making this with you and long may it continue!

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #42 am: 17. Januar 2013 - 15:09:58 »

Irgendwie lösen die Minis bei mir keine Begeisterung aus, aber mir wÀre auch ein gutes Regelsystem 1000x lieber als noch ne schicke Mini-Range wo ich nicht zum painten komme ....

Hanno Barka

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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #43 am: 17. Januar 2013 - 15:29:05 »

Sorry fĂŒr kurzes OT - aber bei dem Wort kann ich mich nicht beherrschen...

Zitat von: \'opa wuttke\',\'index.php?page=Thread&postID=128334#post128334
Zwei Kenner !

muahahahaha! KENNER! XD ich liebe diesen \"Titel\" -so hat man in den 70er-Jahre Pornos das notgeile Publikum bezeichnet :) :) :)  :smiley_emoticons_joint:  :thumbsup:

...diese Assoziation ist in meinem Hirn einfach unsterblich eingebrannt...
Mit meiner brandneuen ergonomischen Gamingtastatur geschrieben. Kryptische Wortschöpfungen sind tastatur-, geschicklichkeits- und koordinationsbedingt und nicht als Zeichen geistigen Verfalls zu werten!

Graue Maus A.D. - Jetzt im Dienst Karthagos nördlich der italischen AlpenpÀsse.


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Beyond the Gates of Antares
« Antwort #44 am: 18. Januar 2013 - 23:39:40 »

Hey everyone! Hope you had a great week, we certainly did!

Rick\'s been busy on the rules and we\'re almost at the point where you guys can actually start playing the outline ruleset. Weapons and Armour is the theme for the day:


This update introduces some basic weapon types and starts to put some flesh onto the bones of the mechanic. We have yet to described the rules for shooting and combat in any detail, although if you look at the example video footage you’ll get a fair idea of how these things work.

I’m going to make a start by talking about the two most common weapons carried by troops, mercenaries, drones and most armed individuals: the Mag Gun or Plugger and the Plasma Gun. There are different version of these basic weapons and I’ve gone out on a limb by including the stats for all the mobile (i.e. ‘man’ carried) versions – these are all weapons carried by one man. You’ll notice that some weapons don’t have a point blank range listed – this is because only side arms have point blank ranges – heavier man-carried support weapons are restricted in their ability to move and shoot effectively – and I’ve included summaries of the full rules to give you an idea of how this works.

I’ve also listed the more exotic Compression Gun as carried by our Hansa Nairoba model – this is a rare and expensive weapon and more of an individual armament. Ideal for our Freebooting hero!


This is the basic stat format I am working with – I may need an extra column for special rule annotations but for now I’ve just made notes beneath each stat bloc.

Type of Weapon: Just that really!

Shoot: The number of shots – in some cases also the multiplier for blast weapons but we’ll come to them some other time. The number shown is the number of dice rolled and therefore the potentially number of hits that can be scored each time the weapon fires.

Range: The range bands in inches – it is generally easier to hit at effective range than at long or extreme range – but the actual modifiers vary depending upon the type of fire (Firefight, Range, Opportunity, Return).

Strike Value: The modifier applied to the target’s Resist roll to avoid taking damage from the hit – e.g. SV 1, Resist stat is at –1.


The common everyday, effective, practical and adaptable weapon carried by most self-equipped troops is the Magnetic Carbine – or Mag Carbine. Magnetic guns propel a metallic or metallically coated projectile by means of a magnetic pulse. Pistol, Carbine, Rapid Repeater and larger General Purpose Support (GPS) versions are all common battlefield weapons. They are manufactured throughout the galaxy and there are many different designs reflecting local technology levels. The projectile itself takes the form of a spike, needle or plug – and it is the last of these that give weapons of this type the common name of Plug guns or Pluggers. Cheap versions are unitary designs with the shot fed from a magazine. Expensive version are composite designs that can be extended by adding sections together to create a weapon that is larger and more powerful, or smaller and handier. The best quality Mag Carbines carry their projectiles in a compression field built into the body of the weapon. These can hold thousands of rounds, and weapons equipped in this way can synthesise their own ammunition from an integral HCM core given a few hours. All Mag guns shoot a single plug or burst, but the rate of fire varies, with Concord and Isorian military manufactured weapons being more versatile, rapid firing and reliable in general. Rapid repeater Mag guns are sometimes called Zippers – a reference to the noise make by the spikes as they fly past.

Special Rules:

GPS: The General Purpose Support (GPS or ‘jips’) version is a large man-mobile weapon that follows the rules for man-carried support weapons. (Summary: the model cannot move and shoot during an engage action – the model has to be stationary to shoot. Exception: the model may attempt to move and shoot by passing a Strength text having moved, and then shoots at –1 Accuracy ((rapid fire on the move)) ).


Plasma weapons are the most powerful mobile weapons available to the military of the Concord and other advanced forces. Plasma weapons are mostly likely to be carried by shock troops and WarDrones. Because they are high energy weapons their effectiveness depends on the individual gun’s conversion rate, which tends to decline with long use; and more rapidly so without routine maintenance. Plasma weapons fire a brief pulse of energy – most often in the form of a laser – causing an ionisation reaction turning the point struck to a plasma. A man-mobile support version the Plasma Cannon Heavy Support (HS) provides greater range and power, and is usually carried as a mobile support weapon by Concord strike units.

Plasma Cannon HS: The ‘Heavy Support’ or HS cannon is a large man-mobile or drone mounted weapon that follows the rules for man-carried support weapons. (Summary: the model cannot move and shoot during an engage action – the model has to be stationary to shoot. Exception: the model may attempt to move and shoot by passing a Strength text having moved, and then shoots at –1 Accuracy ((rapid fire on the move)) ).


This particular weapon is something a little more unusual – and for that reason you have to consider this as an early draft in terms of the rules and stats – however I’ve included it as an example a more exotic weapon. It is also the weapon carried by our special Hansa Nairoba model (his pistol is a Mag Gun of primitive and antique construction – but effective in a tight spot!)

Compression guns use the same technology that forms compression fields and hyper-compressed materials, in this case compressing everything within a pulsed beam projected by the weapon. The pulse rate is reactive to the density of the atmosphere and is calculated to allow the compression effect to advance as the initial pulses compress any air allowing the following pulses to reach progressively further forward. For this –and safety reasons – the weapon doesn’t function at short ranges and has a narrow range of effectiveness. It is most effective when the shooter is stationary. They are generally large carbine sized weapons – man-mobile if less convenient that a regular Mag Carbine or Plasma Carbine. They are commonly called Gripplers (General Purpose Light Compressor) and Compo Guns (Compressor Gun). There is a mobile heavy support (HS) version of the weapon, which effectively mounts several projectors together, giving it a rapid fire capability. There is also a version focussed for short range effect which is a development of the tools used for asteroid mining – this is the Mass Compactor.

Minimum Range: GPL and HS Compression guns have a minimum range of 6” and cannot be used during Assaults.

Compression Autocannon HS: The ‘Heavy Support’ or HS autocannon is a large man-mobile weapon that follows the rules for man-carried support weapons. (Summary: the model cannot move and shoot during an engage action – the model has to be stationary to shoot. Exception: the model may attempt to move and shoot by passing a Strength text having moved, and then shoots at –1 Accuracy ((rapid fire on the move)) ).

Strike Value: The Strike Value of a Compression Gun varies according to the range to the target as shown PB/E/L/Ex.

HL Armours: Compression fields have negative energy emission signatures and are therefore invisible to HL armours – HL armour have 0 Resist value against a Compression Gun.


Protection is based around field defences rather than hard armour – but these field defences need a metallic base to hang around and for this reason most armours consist of metallic plates, strips or patches. As well as functioning as protective armour some of the battle suits worn by trooper of all factions have to function as atmospheric suits. Again – this can be achieved purely with an energy seal – but heavily militarised units prefer to employ a double sealed system with an encased armoured suit protected by an energy seal.

At this stage it’s a bit early to introduce the various kinds of armour in any detail – so I’ll just give you an overview of the system we have been using for development purposes. Some of these values are speculative at this stage and require refinement.

Most armed troops are equipped with a basic protective armour field – this is a field that is ‘on’ all the time and which absorbs energy whether that’s the kinetic energy of a solid object such as a plug from a Mag Gun or laser energy from a Plasma Gun. This type of armour increases the wearer’s Resist stat by +1 in all situations – e.g. from a Panhuman base of 5 to 6. Note that this effectively cancels out the Strike Value of a Mag Gun and reduced the Plasma Gun to and effective –1.

The best equipped troops of the C3 (Concord Combined Command) wear a reactive armour that recognises an impacting shot and reacts directly against it – this is called a HyperLight armour as the reaction mechanic basically recognises the incoming energy signature and mounts a defence before even laser bases weapons can strike. Hyper-Light armours offer a variable modifier – the longer the range of the shot and the higher its energy signature the more effectively it protects the wearer. Hyper-Light defences make long range weaponry almost entirely ineffective, and this is one of the reasons why most combat takes place at relatively short distances. For initial purposes, this value is +2 where the weapon shoots at effective range or closer, +3 at long range, and +4 at extreme range. Some weapons can defeat HL armours, but these tend to be specialised short-ranged weapons such as Compression guns.

Isorian phase armour utilises the silicon based bio-tech developed by the Isorian Shard during the Isori’s long war against the alien T’San Kiri during the long isolation prior to the rise of the Seventh Age. It is this strange alien-derived bio-technology that marks the Isori apart from other humans and places them and the Concord at odds – two rival but incompatible technologies, each driven by an Integrated Machine Intelligence that identifies the other as an invasive viral intruder. Some Freebooters manage to combine these technologies by using sterilisers to purge the respective nano-clouds and re-seeding with an isolate nano-technology. However, such isolates are prone to contamination upon contact with IMTel. Phase armour offers almost complete protection from all kinds of harm by shifting the wearer’s position in special reality – but at the same time it renders the wearer unable to fully interact with real space. Everytime the wearer moves, shoots or attempts to touch something the armour has to shift phase to allow him to do so, opening up a chink in the armour. When shot at without making or attempting any reaction in response the protective value is +3 at all ranges. When making a reaction it drops to +1.
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!