Ich hätte zu bieten:
Surface Warfare:
Ancient and Medieval:
Impetus (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - Dadi & Piombo)
Warrior (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - Fourhorsemen Enterprises)
FOG (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - Osprey)
Ancient Warfare (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - Saga Publishing)
Medieval Warfare (28mm, 15mm, 6mm -Saga Publishing)
Medieval Warfare (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - Foundry)
Tactica (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - Quantum Printing)
Ironbow (15mm - The Perfect Captain)
The Shock of Impact (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - TTG)
Wargames Rules 3000 BC - 1485AD 6th ed. (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - WRG)
Wargames Rules 3000 BC - 1485AD 7th ed. (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - WRG)
DBA 1st ed. (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - WRG)
Armati 2nd ed. (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - Verlag??)
Rameses to Constantine (6mm, 2mm - Brigade Games)
Before the Gates of Troy (28mm - Verlag??)
Warhammer Ancient Battles 1st Ed. (28mm - Warhammer Historical)
Hoplomachia (15mm - The Perfect Captain)
FOGR (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - Osprey)
Killer Katanas (15mm - Brookhurst Hobbies)
Renaissance Principle of War 2nd ed. (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - Verlag??)
Wargames Rules 1420 - 1700 2nd Ed. (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - WRG)
Warhammer Englich Civil War (28mm - Warhammer Historical)
Hortus Bellicus (28mm - \"Greymouse Productions\"

- Betastdium)
Horse and Musket:
Wargames Rules 1685 - 1845 2nd Ed. (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - WRG)
The Mid 18th Century Rules (15mm - TTG)
Polemos Great Northern War (6mm - AdSigna Publications)
Napoleonic Warfare 4th Ed. (28mm, 15mm, 6mm - Newbury)
Napoleon\'s Battles (15mm - Avalon Hill)
Empires and Eagles (15mm, 6mm - Gosling Press)
Legends of the High Seas (28mm Warhammer Historical)
Lasalle (28mm, 15mm - Honour)
ACW und Colonial Warfare:
Fire and Fury (15mm - Fire and Fury Games)
Johnny Reb II (28mm, 15mm - Game Designers Workshop)
Alamo to Apomattox (6mm, 2mm - Brigade Games)
Onwards to Richmond (kein Maßstab - Campaignregeln - Brigade Games)
Stars \'n Bars (28mm, 15mm - Empire Games)
Legends Of The Old West (28mm - Warhammer Historical)
Death in the Dark Continent (28mm - Ruga Ruga Publications)
In the Hearth of Africa (28mm - HLBS Publishing)
20th Century:
Nuts! (28mm, 15mm - Twohourswargames)
Rules of Engagement (28mm - Great Escape Games)
Flames of War 1st. Ed. (15mm - Battlefront)
Abteilung (15mm - Peter Pig)
Naval Warfare:
Trireme (unbekannter Verlag 1972 :sm_pirat_cool: )
Fantasy -da erspar ich mir den Figurenmaßstab - der is normalerweise klar...:
Warhammer 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th Ed. (Games Workshop)
Mighty Empires 1st Ed. (Games Workshop)
Mighty Empires 2nd Ed. (Games Workshop)
Herr der Ringe (Games Workshop)
Der Ringkrieg (Games Workshop)
Warmaster 1st Ed. (Games Workshop)
Warmachine 1st Ed. (Privateer Press)
Confrontation/ Incantation/ Incarnation 1st, 2nd Ed. (Rackham)
Confrontation 3rd Ed. (Rackham)
Ragnarock französische Ausgabe (Rackham)
Ragnarock englische Ausgabe (Rackham)
Celtos (i-Kore)
Clan War Daimyo Edition (AEG)
Uncharted Seas (Spartan Games)
Fanasy Warlord (Folio Works)
Chronopia 1st. Ed (Target Games)
Necromancer\'s Bane (Brigade Games)
Drachenkämpfer (Zitadel)
Science Fiction:
Warhammer 40K 1st, 4th, 5th Ed. (Games Workshop)
Apocalypse, Apocalypse reloaded (Games Workshop)
Adeptus Titanicus (Games Workshop)
Space Marine (Games Workshop)
Epic 40K (games Workshop)
Void (i-Kore)
VOR the Maelstrom (FASA)
Warzone (Target Games)
Warzone 2nd Ed. (Target Games)
Stargrunt (Ground Zero Games)
Stargrunt II (Ground Zero Games)
Dirtside II (Ground Zero Games)
Full Thrust (Ground Zero Games)
Traveller Power Projection Escort (BITS)
Striker II (Game Designers Workshop)
Edith: Und ab jetzt können mich die Typos kreuzweise...