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Autor Thema: Allgemeine Frage zu Shieldwall Armeen, bzw infantrie armeen, sind sie spielbar?  (Gelesen 5180 mal)

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Welcome brother to the world of Vikings! :beer: My favorite army in history.I\'m a devoted fan and player of Vikings(Danes mostly),but I like them all.Any Idea which country or region you will choose?Will yours be Pagen or Christian themed?I\'ll give some key points I\'ve experienced with playing Vikings without knowing what Land and religion you will choose:

Don\'t make your Hirdmen units larger then say 15 to 18 (sometimes 21 depending on points)as that is normally large enough with the current rules.
Always include a Bondi spearmen unit or two and make them at least 20+strong.
Always take as many Bondi archers as you have spearmen.
Always take an Army Standard,because more then likely your Hirdmen will win most combats either at the beginning or over a few rounds and you need to keep them there!
Only take a King(Danes/Norway)at 2000pts or more as he is very expensive + he is a King after all and wouldn\'t bother with a small scrap.
Don\'t bother with Hersir\'s except an Army Standard.
Godi\'s are very useful,but not to be used with a Christian army!
Equip all your troops with javelins when you can
Berserkers are once again a non-christian unit/character but are useful in destroying skirmishers that get between your hirdmen and his units.Of course it\'s also a bonus if you can knock off a few of his expensive troops and a double bonus if it\'s cavalry!More then 2 in a unit is both unfriendly and a waste.
Ulfhednar are not surprisingly a non christian unit but excell at supporting your infantry and best of all destroying the enemy\'s cavalry.Careful when using as they are your fastest troops and are frenzy to boot so timing is important.

Note:Even if you wave the rule on cavalry many believe(myself included)that Vikings used horses(when they had them) only for transporting goods or themselves from a to b and dismounted to fight on foot during the \"Viking\" era.I recommended you don\'t violate this rule,but it\'s your world and you two can play as you see fit. :)

Whatever you decide I think your in for alot of fun gaming and probably the most popular period that is played.(Byzentines era can also be argued)Either way,a game should not be too hard to find if you find a group of WAB players.Speaking of Byzintines you also have the added benefit of using your Vikings as the Rus and they did have cavalry! :D

« Letzte Änderung: 01. Januar 1970 - 01:00:00 von 1234297191 »


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well, the person who sold the vikings, also sold me his shieldwall book,
i will see whats in there

I have the osprey about vikings/normans  (the german version of ospreay with two books in one, for the price of one)

At the moment I don´t know the differce between the vikings you mentioned,
the models are fixed, so maybe i am forced to use what they represent,

or are the differences only in the painting of shields an clothes?
Registriert euch bei http://www.spielerzentrale.de und sorgt dafür, das jeder Suchende einen historischen TTler in seiner Nähe findet.

Abrüstung mit Frieden zu verwechseln, ist ein schwerer Fehler.
Winston Churchchill


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I have the osprey about vikings/normans (the german version of ospreay with two books in one, for the price of one)

Both are outstanding books and illustrated by my favorite illustrator Angus Mcbride.I have the pleasure to own both copys in English of course. :thumbsup:

At the moment I don´t know the differce between the vikings you mentioned,
the models are fixed, so maybe i am forced to use what they represent,

Don\'t worry,you will soon.By the rules(except perhaps javelins)models are armed as seen on the miniature.This is even more important with Vikings because of their mixed weapon special rule.  :)

or are the differences only in the painting of shields an clothes?

There should not be or a very minor difference between one nation of Vikings and another.

If your curious I enjoyed using Foundry paints to do my Vikings.I think they are still in the Gallery if your curious about colors and shield designs.Maybe they might be useful.  :)


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@angrist: sehr schön ^^
(übrigens: Impetus kann man mit für WAB basierten figuren gut spielen, einfach zu blocks mit 10cm front zusammenstellen, für leihte infanterie evtl mit ner base drunter damit Du etwas luftiger aufstellen kannst).

kavallerie kann auf keinen fall schaden. eine kleine einheit davon kann man bestimmt irgendwie rechtfertigen.

concerning that viking thing: we probably mean the same thing. of course the normans are different from the vikings, but also are directly linked to them. and as everyone likes (and what might be more important: knows about, or thinks he knows about) vikings everyone can identify with a horde of plundering drunks and berserkers. - at least the WAB list seems to imply that.


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A very interesting thread, as I am just starting to build up a Viking Army too. Its nice to have some advice from veterans ;) It is correct, taht the Ulfhedner counts as characters for the purpose of the army composition rules(no more then 33% points for charakters)?

Ich hoffe es stört dich nicht, dass ich deinen Thread für meine Fragen mißbrauche ;)


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Zitat von: \'lameth\',index.php?page=Thread&postID=21575#post21575
It is correct, taht the Ulfhedner counts as characters for the purpose of the army composition rules(no more then 33% points for charakters)?

It is. Exactly as Berserkers.


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nicht im geringsten,

ich hab ja selbst schon den einen oder anderen thread gekapert ;)
Registriert euch bei http://www.spielerzentrale.de und sorgt dafür, das jeder Suchende einen historischen TTler in seiner Nähe findet.

Abrüstung mit Frieden zu verwechseln, ist ein schwerer Fehler.
Winston Churchchill


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concerning that viking thing: we probably mean the same thing. of course the normans are different from the vikings, but also are directly linked to them.

Yes,it would appear so. :)

but also are directly linked to them. and as everyone likes (and what might be more important: knows about, or thinks he knows about) vikings everyone can identify with a horde of plundering drunks and berserkers. - at least the WAB list seems to imply that.

Hmm.What\'s nice about Shieldwall and WAB together is that it allows you to explore that frame of mind if you wish too.But,Shieldwall also allows a player too structure your army either as raiding force or a field army and you can set the tone and personality as you see fit.DBA/DBM is more limited and doesn\'t go into the personality of a Viking army very much and that\'s the nice thing about WAB because it does.Don\'t get me wrong,I like DBA/DBM but it\'s focus is more limited to stats without the added addition of personality that WAB adds too it. :)


Sailing to distant lands in your longboats too I see.Welcome son of Odin and may your axe strike true and gold line your coffers! :)

Its nice to have some advice from veterans

Hopefully I gave the correct advice.I\'m always happy to lend my experience if wanted. :)

It is correct, taht the Ulfhedner counts as characters for the purpose of the army composition rules(no more then 33% points for charakters)?
Yep,just like the others said.Both Ulfhednar and Berserkers come out of character allowence as well they should. ;)