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Autor Thema: Confrontation - Phönix Edition  (Gelesen 3913 mal)

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  • Bürger
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Confrontation - Phönix Edition
« am: 14. März 2012 - 12:51:19 »

Confrontation - Phönix Edition

A bit more information on the dragonpainting forum discussion:


I also received some Q&A from David of Legacy about the Phoenix Project (with my notes as NoA - Notes of Almanro):

Q: Is it a new edition of the C3 manual with the integration of the C3.5 rules?
A: It starts from version 3 and 3.5 with a complete review and refresh (but I do not follow directly this part) (NoA: Ask atacam for this part!  )

Q: Are there changes (improvements) to C3.5 rules, or will they remain the same as we know?
A: I think there will be changes

Q: If the previous is \"yes\", is there the opportunity to propose changes or the project is already closed and tested?
A: The project is not closed and is being tested

Q: Is a print hard copy version planned or only the pdf will be offered on-line? If a hard copy version is planned, which will be the languages?
A: A hard copy of the manual will be available in English and French. (NoA - at the moment it seems not in Italian...  )

Q: Do you think to re-release all the Confrontation miniature range?
A: No. Of course the miniatures that are too old won\'t be re-released (NoA - also considering the sales prices of ludikbazar and e-bay, I think they will produce firstly the rarest miniatures or otherwise the ones that are more requested, they can not reproduce a catalog of over 1500 models in few months!  )

Q: Will there be new miniatures no longer in \"limited edition\"?
A: There will certain be new miniatures, but not immediately. Be patient!

Q: Will be the cards modified to improve the game dynamics?
A: Yes

Q: What is the expected timing?
A: Gama will show (NoA - today in Las Vegas) previews of what you will see from now to 6-9 months

Q: Metal or plastic or resin?
A: Resin and Metal

Q: Possible costs?
A: In line with other miniature games (certainly not Legacy prices! Which will remain for the moment for the next few waves)

Q: Is there the possibility to create an official tournament circuit supported by the brand?
A: Yes
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


  • Bürger
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Confrontation - Phönix Edition
« Antwort #1 am: 14. März 2012 - 13:10:08 »

Wäre schön, wenn sich da wieder was täte (mehr als die schönen, aber viel zu teuren Legacy-Figuren).
Boredom\'s not a burden anyone should bear.
- Tool

Tabletop Club Rhein Main e.V.

-Zuvor bekannt unter dem Nutzernamen Oberst Manuell.-

Cpt Alatriste

  • Bauer
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Confrontation - Phönix Edition
« Antwort #2 am: 14. März 2012 - 14:36:15 »

Oh Ja! Dann könnte der Greif wieder erwachen!! :D :D :D :D :diablo: \" Zittert Ihr Unglaübigen!!\" :diablo:
\" es ist gut das der Krieg so schrecklich ist, sonst würden wir ihn lieben\"

R.E.LEE (Fredericksburg 1862)
Angemalt bis jetzt:
6mm: 660
15mm: 500
20mm: 700
28mm: 1000
15 & 28 mm Gelände: Massig
Sontiges: Zu viel :rolleyes:
und noch mehr ;(


  • Bauer
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Confrontation - Phönix Edition
« Antwort #3 am: 15. März 2012 - 16:20:32 »

Oha, Mumienschändung?

Ich glaube nicht mehr ehrlich dran. Auch, wenn es sehr schön wäre, da ich fünfeinhalb Fraktionen vollständig bemalt zuhause in der Vitrine habe. Aber ich glaube echt nicht an Wiederbelebung in der Realität.


\"You don\'t have enough magic in you to make cereals into breakfast!\" Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden

Sch.. Party! Wenn ich meine Hose finde, gehe ich nach hause!