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Old Glory Painted

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--- Zitat von: \'Axebreaker\',index.php?page=Thread&postID=12371#post12371 ---Negative-Old Glory 25\'s(15\'s are nice) are not very good miniatures(my opinion). :thumbdown:
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AFAIK they want to use the new 2nd Ed. Old Glory minis who are much better than the old ones.

As usual it is not the manufacturer that makes bad miniatures, it is the designer. Even Foundry has bad ranges.

Perhaps your correct and the mini\'s are better now. :rolleyes: I tend to judge everything to a Perry or Foundry standard and most fall short.Some of the foundry your right in saying are not that good,but overall they are.

For 25/28mm I buy only Perry or Foundry and it\'s possible that maybe that makes me too critical or bias in my views. ;)


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