Mother of a Thousand Snakes.
..997 more on the way.
A sorceress who uses a single spell on the battlefield. After performing a vile ritual, she begins to spew out huge snakes that twist and devour everything they consider alive in the area. Icy horror spreads in waves from the place where the ritual is being performed, paralyzing opponents, who will become easy prey for the bastards.
Of course, the sorceress does not give birth to monsters in the animal sense of the word. Rather, she uses her body as a kind of gate, a portal, irresistibly pulling snakes from some dark, unknown worlds where they live. The power of the spell throws them, covered in blood and slime - onto the stone floor of the dungeon, where the battle is raging and few ordinary people can bear this sight.
The sorceress herself often dies during the ritual. The iron corset and the chains they wear on their hips should protect her from being torn apart, but they don't always help.
Technical: This is the second sorceress for Dungeon Sisters. Two more figures. We are moving unstoppably towards the finale!
The woman is 28mm. Fimo, polyurethane casting, all that stuff.
(molding and casting snakes is a real pain, I tell you)