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Autor Thema: Eureka: 28mm Gendarme heavy cavalry  (Gelesen 9851 mal)

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Eureka: 28mm Gendarme heavy cavalry
« am: 31. MĂ€rz 2009 - 17:37:41 »

Towering helms? Heavy lances? Both rider and mount covered head to foot in highly ornate metal armour and - skirts?! Well, it must be the High Renaissance then! We are pleased to announce the release of our new 28mm Gendarme heavy cavalry, suitable for French armies and a few of their contemporaries of the Italian Wars 1494-1559.

The Gendarmes (a word derived from the French for men-at-arms) were first raised towards the middle of the 15th Century by French monarchs trying to establish professional standing armies and reduce their reliance on inadequate old feudal levies and dangerously unreliable mercenary bands. Royal ordinances were issued to recruit men of suitable social ranking under formal contracts of employment of at least a year\'s service and with set pay scales. They were organized into \"lances\" of six mounted men: a noble heavy armoured cavalryman, a more lightly armoured companion (coutillier), a page, and three mounted archers (who were expected to dismount and fight as infantry). These \"lances\" were combined into companies of around 600 men.
The arrangement developed successfully during the latter half of the 15th Century, and by the Italian Wars the French Gendarmes were the most feared heavy cavalry force in Europe, with a reputation for reckless charges and a formidable esprit de corps. By this time their accompanying mounted archer infantry had been converted to a purely cavalry role, fighting as a more lightly equipped version of the Gendarmes, but still referred to as \"Archers\" out of tradition. Gendarme armour was thick and heavy (in response to the growing presence of firearms on the battlefield), and both horse and rider were encased in some of the most elaborate and decorative armour ever worn in combat. Large headdresses of plumes and feathers completed the dramatic ensemble. Several of our Gendarmes have been represented in their characteristic military skirts or \"bases\" - a fashion the French acquired from the Italian cavalry. These were usually made of richly embroidered heavy cloth, but even metal versions, made in imitation of cloth were known (although the metal versions were more suitable for dismounted combat than sitting on a horse!).
Our figures have been designed with a choice of a separate lance-carrying arm (supplied with each figure as standard), as well as an open-handed arm which will accommodate one of several alternative weapons (supplied randomly with each figure), including swords, maces, battleaxes and horseman\'s picks. Both lance-arms and hand-weapon arms can be attached to the figure at a variety of angles to make all your Gendarmes slightly different in appearance. In fact, the choice of multi-pose arms, different weapons, separate headdresses, and riders that are interchangeable between horses of both product codes (\"standing\" and \"charging\") means that more than 2,000 different figures can be created.
These figures present an inspiring challenge to the figure painter. The European armourer\'s art reached its zenith during this period with very ornate embellishments, enhanced with a liberal use of gilding and other decoration. The colourful headdresses and embroidered \'base\' skirts add another exciting visual dimension.
Customers might like to note that we are considering supplementing this range with some Italian Wars French \"Archer\" cavalry figures - the more lightly equipped versions of the Gendarmes mentioned above. These will wear less armour and carry a lighter lance than the Gendarmes - and if enough people are interested, we will set Alan Marsh to work. You can become a subscriber to these prospective figures and place a pre-order via our 100 Club.

Here are the catalogue details for the new miniatures:
New 28mm Italian Wars Gendarmes
Sculpted by Alan Marsh
Number in parenthesis denotes the number of variants. Variants are supplied randomly
100RIW01 Italian Wars Gendarme, open visor, standing (4+)*
100RIW02 Italian Wars Gendarme, closed visor, charging (4+)*
*Both \"open visor\" and \"closed visor\" riders can be cross-mounted on either horse type, which along with a choice of helmet decoration, arm position and weapons allows for multiple combinations of different horse, rider, and equipment.
Buy one each of the basic Gendarme horse types and riders, with a random selection of plumes and additional weapons - a set of 8 figures for the special price of $40.00 AUD* (normally $48.00 AUD).
A monster collection of horse, riders and equipment that will allow you to put together every single possible combination of figure using the different figure and equipment options. A total of 2,048 figures for a grand total of $8,500.00 AUD!* (normally $12,288.00 AUD - a reduction of 30%).
These are both strictly limited offers until our next new release.
* Excluding postage and \'Goods and Services Tax\' payable by Australian customers only.
All these miniatures can also be ordered in the U.K. from Fighting 15s and in the U.S.A. from Eureka Miniatures U.S.A.
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- Robert Heinlein -