Chris said:
There is a contradiction in the rules, as far as I can see, between the initiative rules and the rules limiting movement when enemy are within 12″. The former allows any move, the latter limits moves to the front and rear quadrants (and nothing funny). This is vague. Now I know that we are supposed to be \'gentlemen\' (almost as useful as demanding \'common sense\') but it seems that the enemy proximity rule needs refining.
For example, if enemy are within 12″ but in a flank area, I presume that the requirement to move forward or backward is loosely interpreted as changing face to confront the threat but doing so without moving immediately into the flank zone. Yes? So, with TWO moves/actions a unit could change face and then charge to the initial flank zone (now frontal).
Anyway, this is something that needs a little more refining I think. Perhaps the ECW supplement could be used to address some of these rule issues mentioned on the forum. Or will it be another fun, but inefficient text designed for the the mythical parlour game set?
Hi Chris
Rick P explained this in another thread. The reason the rule is limiting lateral movement when giving orders is to prevent players from trying to manouvre onto an enemy flank or rear and then charging in,though this is also covered by the rule that you cannot charge the flank if your unit started its turn with the enemy front in its front quarter. If you use initiative, you will complete the single move and do no more. You cannot give orders to a unit that moves on initiative, so the issue doesn\'t apply. Your unit is allowed to change face or formation and expand laterally from column to line but, as you say, that would be a single move. I\'m not sure that you couldn\'t order your unit to change face and charge. I suspect that you can\'t because the unit you wish to attack was not in your unit\'s front quarter when your turn started and therefore is similar to manouvring onto the enemy flank and then charging.
The rule is only that units can\'t move to their flank once enemy are within 12\" (i.e. units can only move within their front and rear quarters).
This doesn\'t stop units reorientating so long as they remain within their front or rear quarter – although the broad intent is to oblige units to face-off against each other where in reality they would. That\'s what\'s intended by \'roughly straight forward or straight back\' – i.e. as opposed to shuffling side-ways like a chorus line.
So – with enemy to the flank within 12\" you could turn to face the threat just by turning through 90 degrees about your centre – or wheeling forward or back. And having done that you could (assuming you have more moves) move towards the enemy.
Units making a charge order have to fulfill their order in the most direct way possible – which could be a turn to bring the enemy within the unit\'s front followed by a charge move. That would be fine – but two moves are required.
What you can\'t do in this case is make a charge on initiative – even where the unit is within charge range – because it can\'t move to its flank quarter.
Hope that answers the question – I\'m afraid that a game based on stated intentions and a measure of consensus to the extent that Black Powder is, is bound to lack the kind of precision sought in tournament style wargames – it is the nature of the beast. Always happy to answer questions though – and to take note where explanation could be better – that\'s what this forum is for after all.