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Autor Thema: Dust Tactics  (Gelesen 20312 mal)

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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #30 am: 15. Juli 2011 - 11:13:38 »

Schwere Jungs

Diesmal sind die schwereren Einheiten bei Dust Tactics dran:

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #31 am: 21. Juli 2011 - 01:58:16 »

WofĂĽr nen Helden...?

FFG hat einen neuen Artikel ĂĽber den Einsatz von Helden online gestellt und ein paar nette Bilder beigepackt.

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #32 am: 21. Juli 2011 - 11:39:35 »

Bin seit neuestem stolzer Besitzer zweier Luther-Boxen und wirklich sehr angetan (vor allem, weil es die bei Amazon für 15 EUR das Stück gab). Mit minimalem Aufwand habe ich einem 2 5cm-Flakarme angepaßt und die Beinpositionen verändert, jetzt überlege ich noch, ob ich die Anpassung etwas weitertreibe und ihm eine aufrechtere Position gebe. Dazu müßte ich dann aber die Hydraulikkolben bearbeiten. mal sehen.
Beim Aussteigen stolpert man schon mal über das Dach des nebenan geparkten Autos. Von Parkhäusern reden wir hier lieber nicht. Sagen wir, der Wendekreis ist groß. (Aus einem Test des Ford Ranger)


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #33 am: 21. Juli 2011 - 17:35:37 »


DT020 Dust Tactics: Axis Zombies $14.95
DT021 Dust Tactics: Tank Busters $14.95
DT023 Dust Tactics: Unit Card Upgrade Pack $14.95
DT022 Dust Tactics: Revised Core Set (engl.) $79.95
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #34 am: 22. Juli 2011 - 08:56:40 »


Und zwei neue Premiums erscheinen demnächst:

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #35 am: 29. Juli 2011 - 01:30:31 »

Dust Warfare kommt!

Ab heute können wir euch Dust Warfare, die TT-Version von Dust Tactics vorstellen.
DW beinhaltet viele Elemente von Dust Tactics, kann aber als direkte Evolution und Verschmelzung des Besten aus Dust Tatctics, AT-43 und Starship Troopers angesehen werden.
DW wird im vierten Quartal 2011 auf Englisch erscheinen.

Viel SpaĂź damit, wir werden euch auf dem Laufenden halten!

Dust Warfare

Allied Captain Joseph Brown looked out the window of his building at the devastated streets of Scapa Flow beyond. Smoke and fire issued from the battered husks of buildings. He kept his eyes open for signs of the enemy. Soon enough, a line of fearsome Axis combat walkers thundered with each step as they strode up the alley. Captain Brown loaded a grenade into his launcher and signaled to his troops…

Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce the upcoming release of Dust Warfare, designed by renowned miniatures guru Andy Chambers! Our intent to launch a Dust tabletop miniatures game was announced even before Dust Tactics was released. Now the success of Dust Tactics has paved the way for us to take the next step. Currently in beta, this tactical tabletop miniatures game of alternate 1940s reality World War II combat will demo throughout Gen Con Indy 2011.

World War II with alien technology

The year is 1947, and World War II still rages, fueled by the discovery of alien technology. The world’s superpowers have developed unprecedented weaponry, including lasers, phaser cannons, and massive combat walkers. These war machines stride across the battlefield, protected by their heavy armor, and devastate enemy troops with their fearsome cannons.

Dust Warfare players assume the roles of generals, each commanding a custom-built army of squads, walkers, and heroes. Draw upon Axis might or Allied versatility as you wage ferocious battles for control of the rare ore, VK, needed to fuel the most powerful of the superpowers’ weapons.

Double the bang for your buck

Dust Warfare players build armies from the exact same set of miniatures as Dust Tactics. This means that if you already own a Dust Tactics army, all you need is the Dust Warfare rulebook. All the stunning Dust Tactics miniatures will be useable for Dust Warfare immediately upon its release, and as both games go forward, they will continue to draw from the same wealth of fantastically detailed miniatures.

Current fans of Dust Tactics will recognize the furious combat, strategic scenarios, and gorgeous miniatures. Players new to the world of Dust are in for a treat.

Dust Tactics introduced rules for fast, intense combats featuring combat walkers, bazookas, flamethrowers, and lasers. Dust Warfare builds upon the board game’s rules and strengths to offer players an exciting new game experience with the tactical and strategic challenges of a tabletop miniatures game.

Fantasy Flight Games has exciting plans for the Dust Tactics and Dust Warfare lines, and players who pick up Dust Tactics miniatures find their new units immediately useable for play in both games!

Command your army from start to finish

Designed by Andy Chambers, the Dust Warfare rulebook introduces unprecedented player engagement. Players first get drawn into the action during the Command Phase, where you have to choose how to spend command points during an escalating battle. You might spend command points early and often to advance and sustain an early lead, or you might save them up for dramatic late-game effects that may decisively turn the tide of battle. The Command Phase presents players with the chance to exert their influence and command style upon the field of battle in an engaging new way.

Players have the chance to activate all their forces during the Unit Phase, and reaction mechanics keep you fully engaged throughout your opponent’s turns. As enemy units close in on yours or begin to open fire, you can choose to spend actions from your next turn to react. Keen commanders will make good use of their reaction options. They will also learn how best to feint and bait their opponents to react, draining them of available actions.

As the battle heats up and casualties mount, you need to keep a sharp eye toward your army’s morale. The constant barrage of enemy fire can suppress your units or even force them to retreat. You may try to lay suppression fire even when you can’t destroy your enemy’s unit. Sometimes, just pinning them down can give you the edge you need.

Join the battle

Dust Warfare takes the rules and miniatures you love from Dust Tactics and expands upon them in exciting new ways to bring gritty, alternate-reality WWII action to your tabletop.

If you’re attending Gen Con Indy 2011, be sure to stop by our Exhibit Hall booth to catch a demo of this fast and furious miniatures game.

The future looks bright for both Dust Tactics and Dust Warfare. Keep scouting this page for advance intelligence on the Dust Warfare: Core Rulebook, and offer your analysis of allied and enemy troop movement to other commanders in our community forum.

Dust Warfare is scheduled for release in the fourth quarter of 2011.
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #36 am: 30. Juli 2011 - 12:18:59 »

Andy Chambers hat auf Facebook ein paar Fragen zu DW beantwortet    

The Dust Warfare rules have been developed directly from Dust Tactics so if you\'re familiar with the mechanics for the board game the transition to tabletop will be very straightforward. The addition of reactions and an all new turn sequence are the biggest differences between the two. As a side note I\'m also a big Squad Leader fan from back in the day and I\'ve tried to re-capture some of that feel for Dust Warfare (thought not the mechanics!).

    Andy Chambers wrote: I should also add that I think the benefits of IGO UGO outweigh its detriments when balanced off by a reaction system. Have no fear, you won\'t be sitting on your hands during your opponent\'s turn.

Es wurde gefragt, ob die Reaktionen ähnlich denen von Infinity sind:

    Andy Chambers wrote:sort of, but not really. Units which opt to react pays one of their future actions to do so, so there\'s an opportunity cost to make a reaction (usually worth it, but there is a cost). Suppression also plays a role. Unless I\'m reading Infinity wrong (which I may be) AROs are something you always do?
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #37 am: 05. August 2011 - 11:15:18 »

Quelle:Retilebro auf dem FFG Forum

Und ein Videoclip von der GenCon

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #38 am: 07. August 2011 - 13:38:35 »

BoW @GenCon

BoW haben sich ein paar Fragen zu Dust beantworten lassen.

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #39 am: 12. August 2011 - 01:08:51 »

Und noch etwas GenCon-Nachlese

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #40 am: 17. August 2011 - 01:15:49 »

Schwere Jungs

Ab 4. Quartal erhältlich.


Four Luther medium panzer walkers patrolled outside the Axis ammo dump when the first Allied Fireball approached. The pilots in their Luthers opened fire, but their weapons barely slowed the strange, six-legged walker. Outside the gates, the Allied tank hit the anti-tank traps and bulldozed right through them. The Fireball sprayed machine gun fire from its turret to keep the Axis troops at bay, but the Luther pilots couldn’t understand why it didn’t fire its main cannon… Then the first Luther got too close, and the Fireball unleashed a tremendous gout of flame that incinerated the Axis walker and its pilot within seconds.

After unveiling these amazing new miniatures at Gen Con Indy 2011, Fantasy Flight Games is now thrilled to announce the upcoming release of the Allied Heavy Assault Walker and the Axis Heavy Panzer Walker!

Protected by the heaviest armor ever developed and wielding massive firepower capable of reducing opposing units to rubble, these heavy walkers provide players exciting strategic options for their games of Dust Tactics.

Burn, baby, burn!

After the Axis forces assaulted them with heavier and heavier walkers, the Allies made a point of showing they, too, can build fearsome engines of destruction, as heavy as anything thrown against them. The Heavy Assault Walker miniature can be customized in either of two configurations, the Punisher and the Fireball.

The Punisher is the heaviest walker the Allies have ever produced, with twin 155mm howitzers to pummel heavily armored walkers and a number of .50 cal and .30 cal machine guns to lay waste to enemy squads foolish enough to approach.

The Fireball adheres to the Allies’ traditional strengths–speed, versatility, and lethal attacks at close range. Its deadly Napalm Thrower launches fiery doom at a greater range than ever before, and those fires can consume nearly any enemy unit in a single hit.

To maneuver into position to launch attacks, both configurations of the Heavy Assault Walker carry Dozer Blades, which can level anti-tank traps. Additionally, both configurations of the Heavy Assault Walker can carry friendly squad members, shielding their movement from enemy fire along the way to vital locations.

Raw firepower

Build the Axis Heavy Panzer Walker into one of its two possible configurations, and you’ll be able to batter your opponents at any range. Both the Königs-Luther and the Sturm-König feature massive cannons, capable of punching any armor on the battlefield.

With its dual 17.3 cm FpK, the Königs-Luther is a formidable weapon, easily among the most fearsome in the war. The heaviest variant of the Luther, the Königs-Luther sometimes wins battles even before firing its first shot; so terrifying is its raw firepower that many enemy tank commanders simply refuse to fight it without support from their mightiest walkers. Even when joined in battle by multiple opponents, the Königs-Luther features a frame and armor heavy enough to buy Axis reinforcements time to arrive.

The second configuration of the Heavy Panzer Walker, the Sturm-König excels at defending troops as they move into position. Less resilient than the Königs-Luther, the Sturm-König provides Axis commanders different strategic options with its Advanced Reactive Fire skill. Similarly, its 12.8 cm FlakVierling may not hit as hard as the Königs-Luther, but the Sturm-König fills the air with such a sheer volume of fire that few units can withstand its sustained barrage.

Hit them hard

Prepare to take control of these heavy walkers when they advance on the battlefront in the Fourth Quarter of 2011. It’s better to set their sights on your enemy’s units than to find your forces staring them in the barrels!
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #41 am: 20. August 2011 - 11:16:21 »

Going Ape

FFG hat einen Artikel ĂĽber die Bemalung der Affen online gestellt.

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #42 am: 26. August 2011 - 17:36:16 »

Bust that Zombie!

The Tank Busters stood amid the bodies of fallen Axis soldiers and surveyed the battlefield. “Heavy walkers at seven o’clock,” Sam called through his walkie. The sounds of cannon fire roared around the Tank Busters as they flipped the switches for their jetpacks to jump. Suddenly, an arm shot up from the ground and grabbed hold of Sam’s foot. “What the...?” More arms shot up. Frank was dragged to the ground.
“They’re not staying dead!” Johnny shouted as gauntleted fists slammed into his armor…

Punch big holes in enemy walkers with two new squads for Dust Tactics and Dust Tactics Premium, now on sale! Head to your local retailer or visit our webstore today to purchase your copies of the Allied Tank Busters or Axis Zombies.
Busting tanks since 1947

In the alternate 1947 reality of Dust Tactics, World War II continues to pit the world’s great powers against each other, fueled by the discovery of alien technology and the need to control supplies of VK, the rare ore necessary to power the most powerful weapons and devastating combat walkers. As both Allied and Axis forces send more and more powerful walkers to the battlefront, Allied commanders recognize the increasing importance of arming elite squads to target and eliminate Axis walkers.

The Tank Busters are a cost-effective answer to the bigger Axis walkers. With their M10 bazookas and rocket punches, the Tank Busters can blast through the heaviest armor in the game. Not only do their bazookas hit hard, their Jump skill allows them to maneuver into optimal position to catch enemy walkers in their sights.

Better off dead[

Since the 1938 Axis expedition to the Antarctic resulted in the discovery of the long-lived Vrill, the Blutkreuz Korps were given almost unlimited resources to experiment on Vrill bodies to replicate and adapt their longevity to human beings. Their efforts proved unsuccessful, at least until Professor Stefan Priapinski inadvertently tested the latest version of his serum on a soldier who had actually died. After a few minutes, the dead body rose again and began to destroy everything around it. The dead soldier ran about uncontrolled until two full squads of Sturmgrenadieren were brought in to “kill” this soldier a second time.

Thus was born the Wiederbelebungsserum, and the Axis Zombies soon followed. Scarcely kept under Axis control, even their allied soldiers fear the Zombies, meaning only Blutkreuz Zombie heroes will deign to join forces with the savage creations. Still, once unleashed, these unholy terrors rush across the battlefield to batter opposing troops and tanks with their panzer gloves. Few forces can withstand a full barrage from this fearsome squad.

Powerful squads for urban battles

As it is true in war, it’s true in Dust Tactics that powerful machines and weapons can give your side an advantage, but it’s your soldiers that win a war. While the battle at Scapa Flow spills through the streets and into the nearby buildings and hangars, it becomes all the more important for both Allied and Axis forces to field the strongest possible squads.
Strengthen your army today with the addition of the Allied Tank Busters and the Axis Zombies, available now at your local retailer and on our webstore for both Dust Tactics and the beautifully painted Dust Tactics Premium.
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #43 am: 26. August 2011 - 22:56:14 »

Die Miniaturen sehen ganz ok aus, auch wenn ich den Namen komisch finde \"Blutkreuz Korps Untertoten Squad\" ?(
'Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees.'


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #44 am: 26. August 2011 - 23:34:03 »

Warte, bis Du die Obertoten siehst!  :sm_pirate_razz:
Beim Aussteigen stolpert man schon mal über das Dach des nebenan geparkten Autos. Von Parkhäusern reden wir hier lieber nicht. Sagen wir, der Wendekreis ist groß. (Aus einem Test des Ford Ranger)