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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #60 am: 28. November 2011 - 17:22:31 »

Operation Cerberus Erweiterung

Back in September, we announced a new Dust Tactics expansion named Operation “Cerberus.” In this third campaign expansion, the Axis forces have launched a massive invasion of Southern England. Gigantic walkers lumber through the streets as armored troops entrench themselves into the rubble and prepare for close-quarter urban warfare.

One of the additions in Operation “Cerberus” is rules for multilevel structures. This is an exciting development for Dust Tactics as buildings add a whole new measure of strategy to the game. moreover, the rules governing structures are intuitive, and you will be mowing down enemies from the rooftops in no time.

Gaining the upper hand

Squads taking position in a building gain a huge strategic advantage. In general, units inside buildings have a better line of sight to enemies, and have a significant amount of protection from incoming fire, since units inside a building count as being in heavy cover to units outside of the building. These benefits alone are enough to make lightly armored troop gravitate towards the safety a large structure can provide.

In fact, there are even more rewards for occupying buildings in Dust Tactics. Units shooting out of a building get to ignore height when calculating range. For example, a squad of Death Dealers on the third floor of a building with range 4 weapons can target a unit four spaces away and on the ground, even though they are technically more than four spaces away when accounting for height.

Also, a unit in a building higher than ground level counts as being an additional space away from troops outside the building. For instance, if a unit of Heavy Laser Grenadiers wants to return fire at the Death Dealers from the previous example, they would have to be within three spaces (Schwer Laser-Werfer is a range 4 weapon) because of the one space penalty for shooting at targets higher than ground level. As these examples illustrate, controlling multi-level buildings is quite important in Dust Tactics.

Considering close combat

Units in buildings also have some protection from close combat units. Since range C weapons cannot be used to attack a squad higher or lower than the attacking squad, close combat units are forced to get onto the same level as their target, giving defenders occupying higher levels of structures ample opportunity to mow the enemy down as they approach. This means your Allied squads now have a way to protect themselves from those punchy Axis Zombie and Gorilla squads

To make battles even more intense, Operation “Cerberus” contains rules for fighting inside of buildings. Units inside of buildings can engage with units on levels that are one floor higher or lower than they are. Troops can fire blindly through walls, floors, and ceilings in hopes of delivering damage to units that are holed up inside the structure.

Operation “Cerberus” delivers rules for using multilevel structures are straight-forward, fast-paced, and create an added level of strategy. What’s even better, it comes with the amazing set of interlocking pieces with over 60 parts that can be used to assemble a host of different buildings in all kinds of shapes and sizes. This set is sure to be a hit with Dust Tactics players and will have you engaging in urban warfare in no time.

Multilevel buildings are but one of the exciting new features of Operation “Cerberus.” In our next preview, we will take a look at the heroes of this expansion. Until then, keep checking in for more information about the upcoming Dust Tactics expansion, and prepare for the battle over the English shores that starts later this quarter.

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> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #61 am: 09. Dezember 2011 - 21:36:11 »

I know it sounds unbelievable, but it really happened! On my mother’s grave, an Italian cook killed everyone else in my squad. He had two flame throwers and... No, I swear to you, this really happened!
      - Interpreted transcript from an unknown Axis Soldier’s interrogation

In the last Operation “Cerberus” preview, we looked at some strategies for using multi-level buildings in games of Dust Tactics. This week, the heroes of Operation “Cerberus” take center stage. The Allies have access to the dual flame throwers of Guglielmo Zanicotti, better known simply as The Chef, and the Axis gains the ferocious Blutkreuz Korps Assassin Angela Wolf. With the shores of England on the line, these two heroes add potent new strategies to their causes.

Now with twice the flames

The Chef is one of the Allies top counter-intelligence agents, and when the going gets tough, he counts on his flame throwers to get himself out of a jam. Known for his particularly poor aim, The Chef prefers the broad spray of napalm to more conventional weapons.

To take advantage of The Chef’s flame throwers, consider joining him to a squad of Hell Boys. This combination is absolutely terrifying! It can produce four flame thrower attacks a turn. Infantry and vehicles alike are susceptible to flame attacks, and cover is useless against flames, so this squad has many tactical applications.

The Chef and the Hell Boys have to get up close to deliver their deadly payload. The squad moves fairly slowly, and such a powerful unit attracts a lot of attention. So, how do you get The Chef to his target? The simplest way is probably to keep him behind the front line until it is time to strike. Although it is tempting to lead with such a powerful squad, try thinking of this squad like a mop; it’s their job to clean up messes that get left behind.

This hero-squad mix could also produce some nice combinations inside a Fireball to provide some needed protection and even more flame based attacks, or with a Stimulant Kit shot from the NCO Command Squad Field Medic that would give The Chef and his squad two consecutive turns.

One shot, many kills

Angela is arguably the world’s most dangerous assassin. With her 20mm Solothurn, she is able to eliminate targets before they even become a real threat. In addition, her Frenzy ability allows her wipe out entire squads. However, she is even more deadly when paired with a squad.

Sniper Grenadiers are a logical pairing for Angela. The spotter gives Angela a bonus to hit targets, which is vital considering she generally only has one shot. The bonus to hit paired with the Frenzy skill means Angela can potentially deal massive amounts of damage each turn. Also, she gains the squad’s generous soft cover save, which helps toughen up this fragile squad.

One of this squad’s biggest weaknesses is its low amount of health, so it is important to take precautions and place this unit conservatively to minimize exposure. Another weakness is the fact that Angela only gets one shot in many situations, so it is very important to get Sustained Fire whenever possible.

Every squad gets an improvement to their range when firing from the upper levels of buildings (plus it’s just awesome to imagine snipers firing from the rooftops in the thick of a battle), so look for opportunities to get inside buildings. Also, don’t overlook Angela’s effectiveness against vehicles, especially lightly armored vehicles; with all her skills, she can dish out some serious damage to walkers.

The heroes of Dust Tactics are ready to take their place on the field of battle and in the history books. England is in danger, and you hold the keys to its future in Operation \"Cerberus,\" which disembarks to store shelves this month. Get to your local retailer and pre-order this expansion today.
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #62 am: 29. Dezember 2011 - 11:10:27 »


It’s a zombie invasion

If masses of undead forces appeal to you, then you’ll be excited about the Axis Hero Pack. Two of the new Axis heroes are zombies and they are ready to make your Axis Zombies squads even more deadly in close combat.

Infused with the Wiederbeleben Serum, Totenmiester steals life from her victims to heal herself. If she inflicts damage in combat, she regenerates as much damage as she dealt, up to her maximum health. Add in Damage Resilient, armor three, and her Blut Kreuz combat weapon, and Totenmeister becomes a self-healing wrecking ball in close combat.

When Totenmeister joins an Axis Zombies squad, she helps make sure they make it to close combat, where they can unleash their Panzer Punches. By letting her absorb some of the damage the squad is sure to receive while closing the gap and getting into combat, more of the zombie models make it into combat. Then she can regenerate the damage she took protecting the squad as she feasts on the poor souls she defeated in combat. Just make sure to roll her attacks separately from her squad’s, so you know how much damage she inflicted.

The other zombie hero is Grenadier X. This zombie wields a deadly Circular Saw that can cut even the toughest opponent to pieces. Grenadier X does not have the life drain abilities of Totenmeister, but he does have Assault, which gifts him and his zombie friends a huge speed boost that helps them get into combat quickly.

Since Axis Zombies are already Fast, Grenadier X’s Assault ability means once per game the squad can move an astounding five spaces, or move three spaces and still attack! Clearly this combination is going to lead to many nervous Allied commanders, as Grenadier X and his squad could manage to get into combat immediately in some scenarios, or they could just make a mad dash across the map and count on their Damage Resilient ability to keep them alive until their next activation.

These zombie heroes make the already potent Axis Zombie squad even deadlier. For players who would love nothing better than to have their own zombie horde, Totenmeister and Grenadier X are the perfect leaders. They are joined by the flame thrower wielding Stefan in the pending Axis Hero Pack.

More ammunition, more explosions

The Allies also receive heroic reinforcements with the Allies Hero Pack. Included in this pack is Action Jackson, The Priest, and the first Badass character, Johnny One-Eye. These characters give commanders new options for combatting the onslaught of zombies they will soon be facing.

Johnny One-Eye is not a character that blows you away at first glance, but his Badass ability is exceptionally useful, and he makes an already versatile BBQ Squad even more worthwhile. Additionally, at the bargain price of only 16 points, he can easily fit into many army lists without taking up too much space.

With the ability to provide his squad with unlimited ammo, Johnny One-Eye has several options for squads to lead. However, the BBQ Squad makes a good choice for this hero. In this configuration, the squad has the option of attacking with five Demo charges every single turn in addition to their regular weapons. This boost in firepower means the BBQ Squad can more effectively deal with enemy vehicles while still being useful against infantry.

Like Johnny One-Eye, the Allied hero The Priest is somewhat deceptive. His armament does not appear to be overly destructive, although Dynamite is powerful against vehicles. His true value is in the bonuses he gives to the squad he joins.

The Priest makes his squad Agile. Moving diagonally with no penalty is a huge boon for Fast Allies squads. Join The Priest to a Hell Boys squad and move three diagonal spaces in a single turn! With the additional movement bonus, the short range Flamethrowers and Shotguns become even more dangerous than they were previously. Another benefit The Priest has to offer is the Medal of Honor ability that allows him to reroll one combat die per turn. Since he only rolls a single combat die when attacking with Dynamite, a bonus reroll is most welcome.

Und nicht ĂĽber ein paar verhunzte deutsche Begriffe wundern, im Spiel sind sie korrekt, nur die PR-Fuzzies scheinen es nicht in ihren Webartikeln auf die Reihe zu bekommen...
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #63 am: 06. Januar 2012 - 23:14:03 »

Und zwei neue Preview-Minis die vorerst nur via Dust Studio erhähltlich sind:

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #64 am: 17. Januar 2012 - 15:00:49 »

The Red Invasion Begins

Das Vorbild fĂĽr den Heli war ĂĽbrigens die Mil-4 bzw Kamov-26 mit den Doppelrotoren.

No other faction has suffered so much, endured so many casualties, had so much land razed, or resources plundered, yet the SSU survives, and it is stronger than ever. Now, the SSU seeks to not only defend the motherland, but also to crush its enemies. When the SSU flexes its muscle, the world will feel its wrath!

Fantasy Flight Games is thrilled to announce the upcoming release of a bold new faction for Dust Tactics! When the Sino-Soviet Union invades Dust Tactics games, players will have access to new squads, vehicles, and strategies to crush their enemies under boot. In the first month of releases, the SSU receives five expansions that makes this faction immediately playable. In addition, Operation “Zverograd” adds the SSU’s first hero and introduces rules for airborne units to Dust Tactics. Surely, with so many tantalizing new models and rules, your games of Dust Tactics will never be the same.

Soar into battle

Operation “Zverograd” delivers rules for flying units, and the SSU is the first faction to benefit from this exciting technology. The SSU Airborne Transport swoops onto the battlefield and delivers extra firepower to wherever it’s needed most. With the Carry Capacity ability, this transport should prove to be invaluable to the SSU commander who needs to reinforce his lines at a moment’s notice. The SSU Airborne Transport even comes with an entire squad of Chinese Volunteers, so generals immediately have auxiliaries to move about the battlefield! Having the first flying unit in the game is sure to give the SSU an advantage, and create never-before-seen tactics.

Achieve a new level of battlefield mobility with the SSU’s heavy emphasis on speed. Many of their units have the Scout skill, and their flying transport adds even more logistical options. This bloc is adept at the art of the rapid attack, which lets them catch flat-footed opponents off balance. Beyond that, they have effective new assault weapons and thunderous guns, allowing you to tailor your force to your playing style.

A city with a secret

With scenarios, background information, and all new rules, Operation “Zverograd” unleashes the SSU into the Dust Tactics environment. The city of Zverograd was once the jewel of Communist Russia, but after rumors of an valuable mystery under the streets of the city arose, the Axis and Allied armies attacked, hoping to claim the prize for themselves. Now the city is devastated, but the fighting continues. The SSU has committed every resource to the defense of Zverograd, as the secrets contained within could turn the tide of the war.

In this campaign expansion, players are introduced to the first SSU hero Koshka Rudinova and her walker “Grand’ma.” Koshka is a top operative in the SSU special forces, and she has won many awards and titles for her service. She has customized “Grand’ma” to her precise specifications, so now this walker incorporates a long-ranged 45mm Howitzer along with a brutal, but short-ranged, Sulfur Thrower. If “Grand’ma” is destroyed during the game, Kosha emerges from the wreckage and continues to fight by herself. This walker/hero pairing is a versatile threat at any distance on the battlefield, and Koshka’s flexibility on the battlefield makes her a fitting first hero for the SSU.

A host of options

The SSU also receives three infantry units: the SSU Command Squad, the SSU NKVD Close Combat Squad, and the SSU NKVD Battle Squad. These soldiers are among the most battle-hardened in the world. Many of them have waged war through the harsh Russian winters with only the bare minimum in supplies and ammunition. Leading the way is the SSU Command Squad. They are similar to other command squads, but one of its members carries a potent Power Tool to add additional anti-armor capabilities. In addition, the rank and file troops of the SSU come ready to fight to protect the motherland. The SSU NKVD Close Combat Squad hurls Molotov Cocktails at oncoming troops and tanks, while the SSU NKVD Battle Squad is a strong all-around unit that is equipped with two tactically flexible DPM machine guns.

In the technologically advanced world of Dust, no army would be complete without potent walkers to support its troops. At one point in the war, the SSU walkers were vastly inferior to their Axis and Allied counterparts, but now these vehicles are more than capable of going toe to toe with their rivals.

The SSU walkers are a mixture of stolen technology and inventive engineering upgrades. The KV47 Walker, the mainstay of the SSU walkers, backs up infantry forces with three different configurations: Nadya, Natalya, and Natasha. The Nadya is built for brutal close assaults with its twin Sulfur Throwers, and it is sure to intimidate infantry and walkers alike. The Natalya rips up anything foolish enough to get close to it with its dual Circular Saws. Last, the Natasha variant provides long-rang support with its two 45mm Howitzers, giving the SSU some welcomed firepower.

The invasion begins

The SSU enters the fray with a bang in the second quarter of 2012! And since every one of these SSU Dust Tactics expansions will be available at launch, you’ll be ready to assemble your force right away. Watch the FFG website for upcoming previews of the awesome new SSU units, and visit our SSU website for more information. In the second quarter of 2012, prepare to defend the motherland.

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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« Antwort #65 am: 12. Februar 2012 - 22:41:11 »

Last month, we announced the release of a new playable faction for Dust Tactics, the Sino-Soviet Union (SSU). Today, we are thrilled to announce more reinforcements for the SSU, and a welcomed addition for Allied commanders. The SSU Specialists, SSU Rifle squad, and also the SSU Hero Pack join the SSU forces. Meanwhile, the Allies gain a new Medium Combat Walker that can be deployed in two awesome variants: the Cobra and the Rattler.

The latest additions

The soldiers of the SSU have a strong affinity for sniper rifles. In fact, the SSU fields their snipers in pairs rather than teamed with a spotter. This gives the SSU Sniper Team more raw firepower than the Axis or Allies sniper teams. Softening the enemy front and even damaging walkers, the SSU Sniper Team is a valuable addition to any SSU force.

SSU Specialists with SSU Oberver team (left) and SSU Sniper Team (right)

Directing artillery is the main purpose of the SSU Observer Team. These two man units find and relay the positions of vulnerable targets to the SSU’s biggest and most destructive guns. Many generals have cursed their lack of foresight for ignoring these seemingly harmless squads in favor of more obvious threats, a mistake most do not live long enough to make twice.

Accomplished longshots

Picking off opponents from afar, the SSU Rifle Squad uses two Widowmaker rifles rather than the assault weapons like flamethrowers or heavy machine guns. The advantage of reach can be pivotal on the battlefield, and the SSU Rifle Squad can engage many enemies before they are in range to return fire.

SSU Rifle Squad

Far from defenseless in a close-quarters battle this squad unleashes their light machine guns in order to rip apart foes that get too close. The grizzled soldiers that make up the SSU Rifle Squad are prepared for any battlefield situation.

The heroes of the SSU

The SSU Hero Pack introduces three exceptional heroes to lead the forces of the SSU into battle. Yakov Pavlov is well known for his leadership on the battlefield. In fact, he is the first Legendary Tactician in Dust Tactics. In addition, his Acid Thrower melts any soldier or vehicle that stands in his way on the battleground.

SMERSH agent Red Yana is an extraordinary fighter. When she has an advantage in a battle, she knows how to capitalize on it, carrying out relentless assaults. Brandishing a Grenade Launcher, she is quite capable of leading a squad in an absolutely devastating offensive.

One of the rising stars of the SSU, distinguished tank commander Nikolaï is a crack shot. Although some walkers may be tougher or more agile than his, no pilot can match his uncanny marksmanship. When Nikolaï engages an enemy walker, it’s a safe bet that the enemy will be reduced to a mere pile of scrap.

NikolaĂŻ, Yakov, and Red Yana

Great strides

Two new walkers are available in the MCW M3 expansion. To combat airborne threats, the Allies have developed the Rattler, a Medium Walker that fulfills an anti-aircraft role. The 40mm AA gun has abundant reach, and this tank also has ample anti-troop capabilities. The pilots of the Rattler must have superior reflexes in order to ground flying threats, and they receive ample training reacting to rapidly changing combat conditions.

Cobra (left) and Rattler with Amphibious Unit Upgrade (right)

Mounting a large Phaser weapon to a walker produces an intimidating creation. The Cobra is that creation, and it is utterly destructive. While Phaser technology can be somewhat unpredictable, when a blast from the Cobra’s 180 Watt Phaser Gun hits its target, the value of this advanced weapon cannot be denied. No doubt Axis and SSU commanders will be well aware of this electrifying walker.

Additionally, the MCW M3 expansion comes with pontoons to convert either walker variant into an Amphibious Unit. These units can move over land and water with ease, giving the Allies a new advantage in the global conflict.

These new expansions offer SSU and Allied commanders new paths to victory. Remember, these units, and all of the Dust Tactics units, can be used in the upcoming Dust Warfare. These new Dust Tactics units will be available in the second quarter of 2012, after the initial SSU expansions detailed in the previous Dust Tactics announcement article. Check back next month to see the devastating new Axis walker!
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #66 am: 14. Februar 2012 - 12:04:22 »

With enemies on all sides, the SSU engages in many military operations. While their alliances are few, their numbers are many. The development of Sino-Soviet war machines has already left a smoldering mark on the face of the war, and their progressive designs remain on the cutting edge of modern combat technology.
      -Operation “Zverograd”

The invasion continues! The Sino-Soviet Union makes its striking entrance into Dust Warfare in the Campaign Book “Zverograd” supplement. Inside this book, commanders will find a description of the SSU’s history, a platoon list to compose SSU armies, and rules for an exciting campaign set in the doomed city of Zverograd. Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce Campaign Book “Zverograd,” the first supplement for Dust Warfare. This supplement arrives in the second quarter of 2012.

Dust Warfare is a tabletop miniatures game set in the same universe as Dust Tactics. Use all of your highly detailed Dust Tactics miniatures in this game of large-scale, strategic engagements. If you are already have a Dust Tactics army, all you will need to field it in Dust Warfare is the Core Rulebook, and the Campaign Book “Zverograd,” if you plan to field an SSU force. Future campaign books will add new units for all of the Dust Warfare factions, as well as new campaigns to test your skill as a commander.

The History of the Red Army

The SSU is engaged in multiple conflicts all over the globe. No other faction has suffered as many losses as the SSU, but they persevere, seeking vengeance on the enemies that inflicted so much pain. Their power is on the rise, and to showcase their increasing power, the glowing city of Zverograd was founded. Intended to be the crown jewel of the SSU, the city was soon engulfed in war as the Axis and Allies heard rumors of a powerful secret buried under the city’s streets. Now, all three major factions continuously clash, attempting to gain control over the city.

Inside Campaign Book “Zverograd” awaits the SSU platoon list. This document allows players to build unstoppable forces containing everything from versatile SSU Rifle Squads to rugged KV47 walkers and swift Airborne Transports. Assemble an army of choice units, and crush your enemies on your way to victory. Not to be outdone, this section of the book also contains entries for new Axis and Allied units that can be used to combat the SSU threat.

Campaigning for the future

Play out the defense of Zverograd in the campaign section of this supplement. Over a series of battles, players can experience the tense conflict for the valuable secrets contained within the city. With all three factions vying for control of the secret treasure, only one army can be victorious. Can you protect the doomed city-- or will you conquer it? In this premier Dust Warfare campaign, you can decide the fate of Zverograd.

The SSU will soon be invading a tabletop near you, and with the Campaign Book “Zverograd,” you can take control of this mighty army. Learn more about the history of the SSU, build a powerful army, and defend the city of Zverograd with this Dust Warfare supplement. Use your Dust Tactics army for a larger conflict in Dust Warfare, and defend the Motherland!
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #67 am: 01. März 2012 - 11:36:18 »

Zverograd - Die verlorene Stadt

No other nation in the world has endured as much punishment. No other bloc has suffered as many casualties, destroyed lands, or plundered resources. But now it’s 1947, and with this new year comes a new dawn. This is the year of the SSU, the Red Tide that will engulf the whole world.
      -Operation “Zverograd” rulebook

As the arrival of Operation “Zverograd” nears, Dust Tactics players no doubt want to know more about this new campaign expansion. Throughout a series of previews over the coming weeks, you can explore all of the exciting new features of this operation, starting with a closer look at Koshka and her walker “Grand’ma.” This pairing represents the first hero for the SSU and also the first hero that pilots a walker in Dust Tactics.

The bravest of warriors

SMERSH agent Captain Koshka Rudinova is a legendary figure in the SSU. Joining the Red Cadets at the tender age of 15, she has been promoted to a position where she commands her own regiment. Adept in close combat, and also skilled with ranged weapons, Koshka has unnaturally fine piloting skills when operating “Grand’ma.” While rumors of a romantic involvement between Koshka and a certain Allied captain remain persistent, the fact remains that Koshka is one of the finest soldiers in the SSU army.

“Grand’ma” is a standard KV47 Walker that has been modified to Koshka’s specifications. Instead of the usual twin weapon configuration, “Grand’ma” is equipped with a VK-916 Howitzer and a Sulfur Jet, giving the vehicle flexibility in any combat situation. Another feature of this walker is the familiar Assault ability, which temporarily increases its speed, a useful addition whether attacking at close range, or just maneuvering into an optimal firing location.

While piloting “Grand’ma,” Koshka has many options on how to attack the enemy. In particular, her Fighting Spirit ability allows her to, once per game and only after moving, treat hits as misses and misses as hits. A player must declare they are using this ability before making an attack roll. For example, when she uses Fighting Spirit, she treats one hit and three miss results as three hits and one miss. Obviously this is a most valuable ability, but she can only use it while piloting her walker, so you’ll want to make sure you use this powerful ability before it’s too late.

Should “Grand’ma” be destroyed during a game, Koshka carries on by herself. Armed with a Grenade Pistol that ignores cover values, she can still prove to be a thorn in the opponent’s side.

Koshka is a potent first hero for the SSU forces, and soon she will be able to lead an entire SSU battle force. Check back regularly for more previews of the newest Dust Tactics campaign expansion Operation “Zverograd” and the other upcoming SSU releases. Operation “Zverograd” and the SSU expansions Airborne Transport, KV47 Walker, SSU Close Combat Squad, SSU Battle Squad, and SSU Command Squad will be released simultaneously in the second quarter, so be sure to pre-order these items from your retailer so you can field your own SSU army.

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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« Antwort #68 am: 07. März 2012 - 11:55:39 »


Gegen Ende des zweiten Quartals erscheint das Gebäude aus der Erweiterungsbox auch separat.

> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #69 am: 07. März 2012 - 21:02:03 »

Heute hat der Postbote erst mal die deutsche Version vorbeigebracht :sm_pirate_biggrin:  ................ man muĂźte ja lange drauf warten
Der Bestimmung Held, des Schicksals Narr,
der Ewigkeit Soldat, Werkzeug der Zeit


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #70 am: 08. März 2012 - 16:43:50 »

New Tech for the SSU and Axis Factions

In preparation for a new campaign, the SSU unveils more advanced technology, and the Axis counters with a new walker. With these exciting units, the battle for supremacy in Dust Tactics becomes even more deadly! Joining the mighty SSU bloc is the fearsome SSU Ground Attack Helicopter, the swift SSU Airborne Walker Transport, and the gritty SSU Commissar Squad. Meanwhile, the versatile Panzer-Kampfäufer III brings extra toughness to Axis forces.

SSU Commissar Squad

The SSU Commissar Squads are unique in how they operate on the battlefield. Sometimes they are deployed as a single unit, but more often they’re attached individually to squads. Commissars are political agents tasked with enforcing the SSU’s ideology, and they do that quite effectively embedded in infantry squads. From there, they can also bolster each squad’s fighting abilities.

Commissars act much like heroes when joining a squad. In fact, some of them have special abilities that you are already likely familiar with, like Badass and Assault. Also, some commissars are equipped with unique weapons that can add extra punch to any unit, including the DPM machine gun and the PTRS-47 missile launcher. Whether fielded as a unit or dedicated to other infantry squads, the SSU Command Squad brings additional firepower and abilities to your SSU force.

SSU Airborne Walker Transport

Dropping walkers in the midst of battle, the SSU Airborne Walker Transport strikes with lightning speed. This expansion comes with a KV-47 Walker that has been modified for aerial transport. This altered walker has three optional builds, meaning there is a perfect option for any situation. The speed and strength of the SSU Airborne Walker Transport are an effective pairing.

The three optional builds for the altered KV-47 Walker included with the SSU Airborne Walker Transport are the Nastasia, Nikita, and Nina. All of these walkers have the Assault ability that makes them even faster once they deploy on the battlefield. Nikita has an artillery weapon that allows you to make attacks without line of sight when paired with a spotter squad, and the Nastasia has a long-ranged gun that is useful for combatting aerial threats. The Nina makes use of dual RPG-47s, which fire short ranged anti-armor rockets. With a single hit from this powerful weapon, most walkers are reduced to scrap.

SSU Ground Attack Helicopter

Enter the SSU Ground Attack Helicopter! This potent gunship is the heavyweight of the SSU forces, and it’s rightly respected by all of the SSU’s foes. Featuring four variations, the SSU Ground Attack Helicopter can handle any task with its massive arsenal of weapons to choose from, including machine guns, cannons, rockets, bombs, and more. The only question is what combination of weapons will you use to annihilate your enemy?

The Striker uses a mix of machine guns and cannons to halt the approach of enemy infantry, and it is quite capable of providing air superiority as well. Armed with Napalm and Rocket pods, the Burner lives up to its name. Hovering above the battle, the Airblaster searches for targets on which to drop its 250kg bombs. Finally, the Death Rain mixes incendiary Napalm with bombs to create an inferno of destruction at short range.

Panzer-Kampfäufer III

To combat the SSU forces, the Axis unveils new walkers. The Panzer-Kampfäufer III expansion supports three separate walker builds. This walker type features heavier armor and improved toughness to withstand more damage from enemy fire.

The Flamm-Luther is equipped with two Schwer Flammenwerfers. This oversized flamethrower can melt away even the thickest of armor. In addition, this walker has the Assault ability. The Wotan uses long-ranged laser weapons to punch holes through unfortunate soldiers and vehicles. The last build option in this expansion is the Wotan-AR that features the same laser cannons as the Wotan, but it has heavier armor for added protection.

Support your troops

The SSU adds flexibility, speed, and brute strength to their faction with the SSU Commissar Squad, SSU Airborne Walker Transport, and SSU Ground Attack Helicopter. These expansions give SSU commanders the tools they need to compete on any battlefield. In response, the Axis introduces the Panzer-Kampfäufer III, a tough and versatile walker platform. These Dust Tactics expansions will be available late second quarter 2012.

Remember, when you add reinforcements to your Dust Tactics army, you’re also building your Dust Warfare force at the same time! All of the Dust Tactics expansions, including those announced in this article, can be used in the forthcoming Dust Warfare tabletop game. With one set of miniatures for two games, all you will need to start playing Dust Warfare is the Core Rulebook.
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #71 am: 08. März 2012 - 22:52:20 »

In den Niederlanden sind die ersten UVP-Preise fĂĽr die SSU aufgetaucht:

> NKVD Close Combat Squad €19,99
> NKVD Battle Squad €19,99
> Command Squad €19,99
> Airborne Transport + Chinese Volunteer Squad €39,99
> KV47 Walker + all three weapon options €29,99
> Operation Zverograd (Book, tiles, Kosha and her custom KV47) €44,99
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #72 am: 29. März 2012 - 11:02:19 »

Death from Above
Preview the rules for aircraft in Dust Tactics

The city is a war zone. More Axis troops arrive each day, fighting for control of every destroyed building or pile of rubble that might grant some cover. The Soviets are dug in; they survived Stalingrad and have firsthand experience with urban combat. Massive Allied offensives are launched regularly from the city’s eastern shores, sending fresh troops straight to the front line... or what remains of it.

As the battle for Zverograd grows more desperate, the entrenched forces of the SSU exploit any advantage they can find. One such advantage is their stable of dynamic aircraft that operate at engagement range with enemy infantry. Surely, the SSU’s dominance of the air is temporary, as the other blocs are likely to respond to this threat as quickly as possible.

Today, we look more closely at the rules for aircraft in Dust Tactics. These deadly units swoop onto the battlefield, quickly providing support to wherever it’s needed most. You’ll find rules governing this exciting vehicle type inside the upcoming Operation “Zverograd.”

The rules of engagement

The benefits of aircraft are many. These units have unparalleled line of sight on the battlefield and can ignore terrain that slows down or completely impedes ground units. Aircraft can also soar above any ground unit to quickly make it to the target. These advantages make aircraft deadly, as they have superior maneuverability compared to other units.

This swiftness does come at a cost, though. Aircraft cannot hide from ground units, making them susceptible to anti-aircraft fire, so commanders must always be aware of dangerous AA guns that bring down aircraft with ease. Also, since airborne units must constantly be moving, they cannot focus on a target to make sustained attacks like ground units.

Brief yourself with the Dust Tactics aircraft rules (pdf, 488KB). Prepare to deliver punishment from above when Operation “Zverograd” and the first wave of SSU expansions, including the SSU Airborne Transport, arrive.


The Red Tide is rising

Take your Dust Tactics battles to the skies with Operation “Zverograd,” which will be available in the second quarter of 2012! Remember, many of the SSU units, like the Airborne Transport, release the same day as Operation “Zverograd,” so you can start building and fielding your SSU force immediately.
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!


  • Fischersmann
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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #73 am: 29. März 2012 - 21:18:54 »


mich wĂĽrde interessieren wie sich das Spiel generell verkauft. Das ist schon ziemlich strange.

Danke im Voraus und schönen Abend noch!




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Dust Tactics
« Antwort #74 am: 30. März 2012 - 01:30:24 »

Nach der Geschichte mit AT-43 hat man zuerst etwas vorsichtig kalkuliert, inzwischen hat man aber eher das Problem, dass man nicht immer schnell genug nachliefern kann. Verkäufe sind zwar nicht auf dem Niveau von GW, aber HDS/FFG ist insgesamt recht zufrieden.

Bsp.: Von den Deluxe Sets (auf Studioniveau bemalte Sets) der Core Box wurden zuerst 50 hergestellt. Man ging davon aus, dass man innerhalb zwei Jahren alle verkaufen würde (UVP der normalen Box 100 Euro, Deluxe-Box UVP 300). Nach zwei Monaten musste man wegen der Nachfrage die nächsten 50 Deluxe auflegen. Bei den normalen Sets läuft es etwa ähnlich.

Da viele Fehler von AT-43 vermieden wurden (alle Optionen in einer Box, keine Attachment-Boxen, besser formulierte Regeln, niedrigerer Preis, vorgrundiert statt vorbemalt, etc.) kam das bei den Leuten auch recht gut an und die Finanzkraft von FFG tut ihr übriges, um das System gut voranzubringen. Mit vollausgerüsteten 2 Völkern pro Jahr liegt man zur Zeit gut im Zeitplan und mit Dust Warfare erscheint dann demnächst auch die TT-Variante (DT ist immer noch ein Brettspiel, wenn auch mit vielen TT-Elementen). DT und DW sind figurentechnisch 100% kompatibel und die Regeln überschneiden sich etwa 50:50, sprich Übergang zwischen beiden Systemen ist recht flott.

Auf dem Feencon findet ĂĽbrigens die deutsche Meisterschaft statt, der Gewinner kann dann auf Kosten von FFG an der Weltmeisterschaft teilnehmen.
> I like Tabletoppers with a stiff upper lip but not a broom up their arse!

> Dublin Mud is a mix of Baily\'s and Guiness... and should not be used to paint ships!
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